Previous Editions - TermTrends Tutorial 2022
Trends in Terminology Generation and Modelling (TermTrends) tutorial was co-located within the 23rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (26-29 September 2022 - Bozen-Bolzano, Italy).
In this tutorial, we studied the different standardisation approaches, ranging from the initially proposed standards to represent terminology within ISO, to models that represent linguistic data in the Semantic Web, including emerging vocabularies still under development. We also gave an overview of the main features of the terminology work; exploring its evolution and new methods to speed up the terminology generation process. To complement this, we presented different use cases in which both new methods to generate terminologies and new ways to represent terminological knowledge are applied in specific domains, such as Law or Life Sciences. Additionally, half of the tutorial was a hands-on session, testing several tools with different purposes, such as the extraction and enrichment of terminologies and their representation as per different vocabularies. The tutorial was structured as follows:
Part 1 - Introduction and Theory
Part 2 - Hands-on session
The tutorial was organised by: